Sunday, December 6, 2009


So I was watching this show called "Tough Love" on VH1. It's a show about ten girls who are on the show and this matchmaker helps them become "wifey" material. One of the excercise these ladies had to do was to write about how they felt about their father. All of them had bad experiences with their fathers like mental abuse or abandonment. This show can relate to reality because many children are fatherless because of similar reasons. If fathers out there would be in their children lives and raised their kids the right way, the world would be a better place. Less crimes, less high school dropouts, less children getting locked up. All this negative things all narrow down to our future generation not feeling loved and having a father figure to guide them. Fathers are important, and it's never to late to get back into their children lives.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


As the end of this semester rolled around, it's kind of exciting because it's time to start new classes and some more new faces to meet. This semester I knew of could of done better but I let things distract me a little. So when the next couple weeks come around I am going to do my best on this six to eight classical argument paper. I didn't sign up for any hours at work to focus on this paper. Hopefully I do good on it.. I'm shooting for an A!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


After watching the movie "Thank You For Not Smoking," I agree with Nick Naylor thoughts. Even though he is persuading people to smoke cigerattes it's not like he is putting a gun to their head and say that they have to smoke. Just like everyone else he is tries to make a living and providing for himself and doing what he does best. People has their own choices to make and do whatever they please. Cigarattes smokers know the outcome if they decided to smoke cigerattes. Of course Nick wouldn't persuade his own son to smoke but once he hits eighteen, he has the choice of that. The ending suprised me when Naylor decided to reject his job.. I thought he would continue to persaude people to smoke, but that didn't happen. It showed me that he does have a heart and care about people. At the end of the day I feel that a lot of people are still going to smoke because this is what I see every place I go to.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today I was driving to my uncle's house around seven o'clock not thinking of anything. As I turned onto NorthWest st and rode up the street to the intersection of King street, I see this white male who is waving at me to come up to to him.. I looked at him and slowed down because my light was red. As I slowed down he began to walk to my car window.. I was very scared because this guy was standing at the corner, in the dark and he just looked like a crackhead. Keeping in mind that my stupid driver's door don't lock I panicked and turned right onto king st on the red light... As I turned the car on that lane was towards my car and was a foot close to hitting my car.. the guy stood their and I was so pissed because it was all his fault.. The white male then started to walk away... and I went to my uncle's house still in shock that what just happened was so real. My mom told me to get my locks fix and after tonight I am going to get on that. Thank God that the person in the car was okay and I got to see my family another day!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


As you can see my baby cousins loves Dora!! Once the cartoon come one the whole room quiets down because they are so into little Dora. Including the Dora sleepers they also own the bags, stickers,coloring book, and boots. When I was a child I loved Barney.. I watched it everyday around noon and carried the Barney stuffed animal everywhere. I kept losing my stuffed animal everyday but always found it until one day I couldn't find it. I was devastated I was pretty much attached to it. Seeing Erica and Erin attached to Dora I thought about my childhood and how muched I watched Barney and sang the Barney song everyday. Even though I'm twenty one now I'm still a big kid at heart.. and that will never change.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I was born in Thailand, Bangkok but came to America when I was one. I didn't get to visit my birth place yet and I'm now twenty one. Sometimes I do think about how my life would be different if I stayed in Thailand my whole life. But I do believe things happens in it mysterious ways. I'm pretty much happy living in America because I have my family and them special people in my life. I definitely plan on visiting Thailand even though I know my background, it's for sentimental reasons. I plan on visiting once I have my own family and graduate from college and I can teach my future children their history. It's nice to know where I came from, Thailand is definitely different from America, but I definitely like the fact it's unique. People still live that traditonal life till this day. I'm excited to visit and ton learn more about my culture. So Thailand get ready for me!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Sometimes the people in your life that you think you can trust the most, hurts you. You think to yourself who else can I trust if I can't trust the person that was there from the beginning?? So sometimes you protect yourself from expressing how you really feel because the simple fact that I'm the one that's going to get hurt at the end if I do.. So I learned not to trust anybody that can potentially betrayed my trust. I learned to lean on the people that is there for me now because they were there for me when times gotten rough. I learned that the people who hurt an individual, I just have to forgive them and NOT give them the benefit of the doubt, and to be the bigger person. You just have to sometimes move on with your life and not worry about the pitty things in life. At the end of the day MY FAMILY means most to me and not the people who want to bring you down!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Okay so lately I just been working like crazy.... Workin extra hours and trying to catch up with work for school. Seems like there isn't enough hours in a day.. I'm drained!! So this weekend I have off and I actually signed up this Sunday to work.. At least I have Saturday off because my family is getting together and I'm really excited. It's seems like I didn't see them in ages. I know it would keep me relaxing just for one day. Im ready to eat some homemade food too!! My mom is the best cooker ever. Today she cooked me fried fish with rice and this delicious sauce. My mom is the best!! Hurry up Saturday and come because I need a day off!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Okay so for those of you who are not fimilar with asian food...these are spring rolls. They are so tasty and I was bought up on eating them. Inside the egg roll shell are noodles, shrimp, beef, cubumbers, and that green garnish you see sticking out the spring rolls.. Then it comes with a brown dipping sauce to top it off. I am really craving that right now..and it's to late to go get some in the middle of the night. They are expensive and if anybody would buy them in a York Asian resturant, they cost 6.50 which comes in four. Oh yeah.. next paycheck im going to The Pho Bistro in York.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Na Na, Ceasar, Erica, and Na Na again
Every week I always go to my Uncle and Aunts house to see my baby cousins. I love them little brats even when they acted up and cry all the time. Even when I'm stressed out I know once I see their giggly faces, all my problems are washed away at that moment. When they laugh, cry, fight each other, and even when they let out their stinky gas. Some people goes to counseling when they have problem, but me, I run to my baby cousins and I would know everything will be okay. So I love you muchkins!!!! See you tommorrow!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Okay so mostly everyone I know has a myspace page... I finally signed up like a week ago. I never understood why people were so addicting on gettting on and meeting strangers. It's a scary thought, talking to people who you don't really know. They can be murderers, molesters, thift or con artist. So I decided to make my own page to see what was so exciting about it. Well, I can say now I know why people are so into myspace. I'm still cautious of who is my friends on their, but I think what I like the main reason I like getting on is to design my own page.. I don't know that much about computers, but I learned many things what I can do on a program. MYSPACE IS HERE TO STAY.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Today I got on route thirty and seen their was a car accident at an intersection. I don't know if I was seeing things but I thought I seen a body on a gourney, covering up a DEAD BODY.. Even though I did not know who the person was, I felt sypamthy because that person had a family and probably had something good going on in their life. I learned a valuable lesson today and that life is never guaranteed for tommorrrow, so live life for today. Recently it seems like their have been several car accident going on. A father who was going to pick up his son died from a crash when this kid stole a car and was speeding in it. His three children is now left fatherless. Their was another accident which happen in Harrisburg where the taxi driver was texting on his phone, killed himself and two other passengers in the opposite car. We all need to be aware of our surrondings while driving because even if we drive responsible, other people might not.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


After reading the last chapter, I felt sad because I thought the story would end with everyone interested in books. The thing that popped out to me the most was when Guy Montag meets these guys who reads these books which they memorized and then burn them. I think that was a very smart thing to do because, if Guy would of did that from the beginning, he would of still had a house and a wife. On the otherhand, it was a good thing that his wife left him because she did not love him due to the fact that she snitched on him for having the books. After having several disscussions on Mildred, some people thought she was that kind of person. Throughout reading Fahrenheit 151, I thought it was just Mildred was so brainwashed that she doesn't really care about anything but her "family," so once Guy read these books to her friends, she didn't want to jeopardize the four walls. Therefore, she turned him in. I feel that Montag is way happier now with his free thoughts and being able to think and read, and also having a support system behind him, which he never had. Even though he lost his wife and everything else, Guy Montag gained a much more important things then his materials.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I work in a nursing home and most people who work in this field knows that working every other weekend is mandatory. Well, this is my weekend to work and I really just want it to be over already. Working second shift just take up my whole day. Don't get me wrong I love my job, but I feel like I'm starting to have a flu coming on. It is four in the morning and I can't sleep at all!! I have this bad migrane too. But, Im going to take some tyenol p.m and maybe that will help. I hope I feel better by next week.

Monday, September 28, 2009


"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" It was a plea, a cry so terrible that Montag found himself on his feet, the shocked inhabitants of the loud car staring, moving back from this man with the insane, gorged face, the gibbering, dry mouth, the flapping book in his fist. The people who had been sitting a moment before, tapping their feet to the rhythm of Denham's Dentifrice, Denham's Dandy Dental Detergent, Denham's Dentifrice Dentifrice Dentifrice, one two, one two three, one two, one two three. The people whose mouths had been faintly twitching the words Dentifrice Dentifrice Dentifrice. The train radio vomited upon Montag, in retalition, a great tonload of music made of tin, copper, silver, chromium, and brass. The people were pounded into submission; they did not run, there was no place to run; the great air train fell down its shaft in the earth. "

Ray Bradbury uses these details to describe to the readers how brainwashed these people are in the book. Everyone on that subway was brainwashed except Montag, who was trying to fight it, because he too was falling for the advertisement radio.

This books show that people can easily be brainwashed. A perfect example was the day that September eleventh occured. It seem like these mens who hijacked the planes just thought about if they hijacked and hit the twin towers, they will recieve a lot of money and fight for whatever caused they were fighting for. I felt where they were raised and taught made them become ignorant of other countries.

What Montag is doing, I feel that he is really helping people to think for themselves. Nobody should be able to take your thoughts aways because then people can't think for themselves like in the book, which only make bad things happen.

Friday, September 25, 2009


There is this show on Black Entertainment Television where my favorite show play every night.. Yes ladies I'm talking about "The Game." I love this show and when I heard rumors that it might be cancelled i was DEVASTATED!! Good news is that the show is not going to be cancelled. Why would it? Tia Mowry is a one of the best actor out there.

For those of you who are not fimilar with the show here is a quick summary:
Starring Tia Mowry who is Melanie on the show, she moves to San Diego to be with her boyfriend, Darwin Davis. He becomes a professional football player, and plays for the San Diego Sabers. Their relationship becomes to fall apart as fame gets into Darwin's head. Melanie two bestie's are there as she struggles with her relationship with Darwin. Wanna know what happens to know their relationship? Channel 68, and start at twelve noon sharp, Monday through Friday.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So I was at work today and the news comes on about how President Obama is all talk and no action. First, I want to say I really don't have any idea about how politics works. Second, it seems like majority of the people expect Obama to fix everything up at once. He is a human being just like you and me. Yes he makes mistakes, but let him breath because what he is trying to do for the nation I'm grateful for. Instead of worrying about sending people to war he is he really trying to make America a better place.

During election time I've seen young groups from the city who had voted for, Obama. I already seen the society changing since Obama joined the office. I see that young groups of people proud of say that he is the president of the United States. Old folks who for many years didn't vote until Barack Obama came along.So whoever is doubting Mr. President, I say that give him a chance and we all will see that America will improve.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


As I read about Guy Montag, a fireman who burns books and houses for a living was going through rough times. He was having second thoughts about his job from the beginning, but when he meets this little girl, Clarisse who teaches him another way of looking at life, Guy really started to really think.

I feel that we meet people for a reason both negative and positive people, who teaches you about life. I feel that Guy never met a unqie kid like her so he began to think about his marriage that he and his wife, Mildred, really didn't have that vibe that they should have. I predict that his marriage will not end because I feel that Guy is going to open his wife eyes, and make her realize that these books are valuable. During their journey, this will rekindle their relationship.

As Guy had tooken some books from the houses that he had burnt, I predict that later in the book he will get caught having books in his household. It would be the climax of the book where he is going to fight as hard as he can to save these books.

After I had read this chapter, I tried to picture life without any books... I see that young children not knowing anything what Santa Clause looks like, or how Snow White had been poison and needed a kiss to come back to life. It would be a BIG disadvantage for us without books.

Friday, September 18, 2009


As thousands of people do interviews and try out for their lives to be taped for several months. Most people would think that it's a bad influence on teens and therefore teens shouldn't watch the show. As seven DIFFERENT personalities come together which for the most part fight, curse, get drunk, and argue most of the show, why should this show be shown on t.v?? This show showed me that as all of us have many obstacles in life, is the way we deal with things. Yes, some turn to drugs and alcohol, I feel that we can learn from their mistakes and influence not to make the same mistakes. It shows teens that the world can get complicated at time and it's the we handle our situations in life with people and negative things we are surrounded with.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Writing From The Darkness.

I feel sad what the author had to go through out her life with her family and writing. Everyone needs a supportive family, and that's why some people are the way they are now. Parents are abusing, raping and killing their own child which doesn't make any sense to me. bell needed her family for a backbone and they weren't, so she needed something else to rely on which was writing. I feel that she took her problem and turned it to a positive uplifting situation. Writing was dangerous back when she was a child, and so she was a brave person to keep her writing ongoing. Her past is what made her the way she is today and I applaud that.


Watching the VMA's last night made me really mad. Kanye had went up on stage while Taylor Swift was giving her speech, then he shows up from no where and said that Beyonce was the best. He shed that moment away from Taylor and I feel like his ignorance is not a good look for young children who looks up to him. He should of been a better role model but that wasn't the case at all. I hope in the future this won't happen again because it was very embarrassing for him to do that.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover.

Last night my friend from work wanted me to go to get a couple drinks with her and two other co-workers. Yesterday was exactly her birthday. I didn't really want to go because the two other girls, I felt like I would never get along with them outside of work. So of course, Birthday Girl gets mad because I didn't really want to go. She ended up persuading to go which I did. I sat my feelings aside for her and I ended up having a blast!! The two other girls were funny and the whole time we sat at the table just cracking up. I learned a valuable lesson last night, even though I didn't feel like getting to know other people I shouldn't judge them because of my own selfishness.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Celebrities Do CARE!

Before I came to class today I was watching The Wendy Show. She is sponsering and donating some supplies to schools. Wendy is encouraging people to do the same. I feel like this is so nice of her to be so thoughtful to our young kids who don't have that much. Bookbags, pencils, notebooks, binders, etc, which don't seem that much but can really help parents who are in proverty. I feel that most celebrities never forgot where they came from and know how it is to struggle. As I watch BET right now, they are also encouraging young kids to graduate from High School. THANK YOU!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Getting My Page Together....

Yay!!! I just spent the last forty minutes putting my page together. I'm not good with this computer stuff but it's kinda fun blogging. This weekend was very long for me, only because I had to work. On Sunday I worked a double shift.. which means I start seven o' clock in the morning and leave work eleven at night. On top of that I had homework to do. It's coming along well though. Labor day was relaxing for me, I got some time to spend time with my family!! I had a blasted overrall.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What should colleges teach??

I agree with the handout...professors should teach the subject that students need for their major. For example, if its a writing class, it should be all about writing. It benefits the students with the next level of writing when we know the basics first. If a student does not have the knowledge to write a resume or letter for a reference, then he or she wasn't ready to pass that class yet. I also feel that colleges should prepare students for future careers. While reading, writing, science, and math are all important, we, the students should be focused on things that are related to career also. Once college kids graduate, we will have a good training thought to make us knowledgable in the "real world."

what is bad writing?

It takes a lot of practice to make a writing good. This means anybody can make a mistake when writing. First, when a story is not focused on a specific subject, many things can go wrong, such as, making the reader confused. For example an author writes a cook book. He or she start off with cooking spaghetti, then gets sidetrack explaining how sugar are made and where they come from. Which leads the reader still clueless of how to make spaghetti. Second, is when a writer does not have a purpose in writing. Argumentative writing, is when the writer disagree about a situation. For instance, a writer agrees the law should allow abortions, but the writer doesn’t have any reasons why abortions should be allowed. Thirdly, I feel that if an author is not at all enthusiac about his or her own writing, the reader wouldn’t feel it either. Especially in the beginning of the book, the writer has to grab the reader’s attention, before the reader put the book back of the shelf. Nobody wants to read a boring book.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

what is good writing??

Good writing is what every reader looks for in novels, journals, newspapers or Magazine, and the bottom line is that nobody is going to read an article if it’s not good writing. I made a conclusion that there is so many ways to make writing good. The most important, is when a writer put his or her own unique style into the book. For example, “The Child Called It,” David, the author, writes about his childhood growing up as his mother abuses him. He had written about himself, to help other children see that they can live life after a dramatic childhood. Second, grammar and spelling is always counted as good writing. Customers like to buy a book and see that a word is spelled correctly and sentences are written correctly. Which is worth their money. This would benefit the writer too with more books sold. Finally I love reading books that has good details, where I can create the image while reading. This can relate to “The Child Called it” the writer put every detail that his mother did to him. This helps me have a picture in my head, where I can see how bad his mother had hurt him. I feel that this is what makes good writing, because that’s what I look in a book, and before I attempt to read the whole story.