Saturday, November 21, 2009


After watching the movie "Thank You For Not Smoking," I agree with Nick Naylor thoughts. Even though he is persuading people to smoke cigerattes it's not like he is putting a gun to their head and say that they have to smoke. Just like everyone else he is tries to make a living and providing for himself and doing what he does best. People has their own choices to make and do whatever they please. Cigarattes smokers know the outcome if they decided to smoke cigerattes. Of course Nick wouldn't persuade his own son to smoke but once he hits eighteen, he has the choice of that. The ending suprised me when Naylor decided to reject his job.. I thought he would continue to persaude people to smoke, but that didn't happen. It showed me that he does have a heart and care about people. At the end of the day I feel that a lot of people are still going to smoke because this is what I see every place I go to.

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