Monday, October 12, 2009


Today I got on route thirty and seen their was a car accident at an intersection. I don't know if I was seeing things but I thought I seen a body on a gourney, covering up a DEAD BODY.. Even though I did not know who the person was, I felt sypamthy because that person had a family and probably had something good going on in their life. I learned a valuable lesson today and that life is never guaranteed for tommorrrow, so live life for today. Recently it seems like their have been several car accident going on. A father who was going to pick up his son died from a crash when this kid stole a car and was speeding in it. His three children is now left fatherless. Their was another accident which happen in Harrisburg where the taxi driver was texting on his phone, killed himself and two other passengers in the opposite car. We all need to be aware of our surrondings while driving because even if we drive responsible, other people might not.

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