Sunday, December 6, 2009


So I was watching this show called "Tough Love" on VH1. It's a show about ten girls who are on the show and this matchmaker helps them become "wifey" material. One of the excercise these ladies had to do was to write about how they felt about their father. All of them had bad experiences with their fathers like mental abuse or abandonment. This show can relate to reality because many children are fatherless because of similar reasons. If fathers out there would be in their children lives and raised their kids the right way, the world would be a better place. Less crimes, less high school dropouts, less children getting locked up. All this negative things all narrow down to our future generation not feeling loved and having a father figure to guide them. Fathers are important, and it's never to late to get back into their children lives.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


As the end of this semester rolled around, it's kind of exciting because it's time to start new classes and some more new faces to meet. This semester I knew of could of done better but I let things distract me a little. So when the next couple weeks come around I am going to do my best on this six to eight classical argument paper. I didn't sign up for any hours at work to focus on this paper. Hopefully I do good on it.. I'm shooting for an A!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


After watching the movie "Thank You For Not Smoking," I agree with Nick Naylor thoughts. Even though he is persuading people to smoke cigerattes it's not like he is putting a gun to their head and say that they have to smoke. Just like everyone else he is tries to make a living and providing for himself and doing what he does best. People has their own choices to make and do whatever they please. Cigarattes smokers know the outcome if they decided to smoke cigerattes. Of course Nick wouldn't persuade his own son to smoke but once he hits eighteen, he has the choice of that. The ending suprised me when Naylor decided to reject his job.. I thought he would continue to persaude people to smoke, but that didn't happen. It showed me that he does have a heart and care about people. At the end of the day I feel that a lot of people are still going to smoke because this is what I see every place I go to.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today I was driving to my uncle's house around seven o'clock not thinking of anything. As I turned onto NorthWest st and rode up the street to the intersection of King street, I see this white male who is waving at me to come up to to him.. I looked at him and slowed down because my light was red. As I slowed down he began to walk to my car window.. I was very scared because this guy was standing at the corner, in the dark and he just looked like a crackhead. Keeping in mind that my stupid driver's door don't lock I panicked and turned right onto king st on the red light... As I turned the car on that lane was towards my car and was a foot close to hitting my car.. the guy stood their and I was so pissed because it was all his fault.. The white male then started to walk away... and I went to my uncle's house still in shock that what just happened was so real. My mom told me to get my locks fix and after tonight I am going to get on that. Thank God that the person in the car was okay and I got to see my family another day!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


As you can see my baby cousins loves Dora!! Once the cartoon come one the whole room quiets down because they are so into little Dora. Including the Dora sleepers they also own the bags, stickers,coloring book, and boots. When I was a child I loved Barney.. I watched it everyday around noon and carried the Barney stuffed animal everywhere. I kept losing my stuffed animal everyday but always found it until one day I couldn't find it. I was devastated I was pretty much attached to it. Seeing Erica and Erin attached to Dora I thought about my childhood and how muched I watched Barney and sang the Barney song everyday. Even though I'm twenty one now I'm still a big kid at heart.. and that will never change.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I was born in Thailand, Bangkok but came to America when I was one. I didn't get to visit my birth place yet and I'm now twenty one. Sometimes I do think about how my life would be different if I stayed in Thailand my whole life. But I do believe things happens in it mysterious ways. I'm pretty much happy living in America because I have my family and them special people in my life. I definitely plan on visiting Thailand even though I know my background, it's for sentimental reasons. I plan on visiting once I have my own family and graduate from college and I can teach my future children their history. It's nice to know where I came from, Thailand is definitely different from America, but I definitely like the fact it's unique. People still live that traditonal life till this day. I'm excited to visit and ton learn more about my culture. So Thailand get ready for me!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Sometimes the people in your life that you think you can trust the most, hurts you. You think to yourself who else can I trust if I can't trust the person that was there from the beginning?? So sometimes you protect yourself from expressing how you really feel because the simple fact that I'm the one that's going to get hurt at the end if I do.. So I learned not to trust anybody that can potentially betrayed my trust. I learned to lean on the people that is there for me now because they were there for me when times gotten rough. I learned that the people who hurt an individual, I just have to forgive them and NOT give them the benefit of the doubt, and to be the bigger person. You just have to sometimes move on with your life and not worry about the pitty things in life. At the end of the day MY FAMILY means most to me and not the people who want to bring you down!!